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  • Presenting the Stock Management Interface

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  • No stock management: there is no product quantity, PrestaShop assumes that a product's stock is infinite. Use this if you only sell virtual products (files, services, etc.).
  • Simple stock management: for every product you sell, you can indicate the currently available quantity (including product combinations). Use this if you have few products or a simple storing location.
  • Advanced stock management: for every product you sell (and its combinations), you can indicate where the available quantity is located in an unlimited number of warehouses (with varying carriers and valuation methods). You can also see your stock movements, the current status of your stock, you stock coverage, and you can place an order to your product suppliers.


These screens are:

  • Preferences > Products > Products stock: this is where you enable the feature.
    • Enable stock management. This option gives you access to basic stock management options and features: you can set the current quantity of product, and have PrestaShop lower it for each order, and "re-stock" for each canceled or returned order. By default you should leave this feature enabled, as disabling it affects the entire inventory management of your shop. Only if you do not have any physical inventory should you disable it – for instance, if you only have virtual products.
    • Enable advanced stock management. Another little option which has major implications: it adds a new menu called "Stocks", which makes it possible to manage very precisely your stock, on a per-warehouse basis if necessary. You can see all the details about your stock: movement, coverage, re-stocking orders, etc. You can read more about PrestaShop's advanced stock management feature in the "Managing Stock" chapter of this guide.
    • New products use advanced stock management. If enabled, new products will automatically use the advanced stock management feature. The default warehouse is the one indicated in the next option.
    • Default warehouse on new products. If new products use the advanced stock management feature, you have to indicate their default warehouse here.
  • Catalog > Products > product's page: one to two tabs are added to the creation/edition page of a product :.
    •  Quantities:
      • In Simple mode: you can manually indicate the quantity of each product.
      • In Advanced mode: quantities are handled from PrestaShop's "Stock" menu.
    • Warehouses: in Advanced mode, you can indicate the location of a product or is combinations within a warehouse.
  • Stock: in Advanced mode, you can make use of all the stock management pages (warehouse creation, stock movement, stock status, stock coverage, supplier order).


If you'd rather synchronize the available quantities with your warehouse stock (ou or that of several warehouses), you have to change the quantities management method:


Be careful of the carriers you choose to authorize, as this will a huge impact on the order preparation in the multishipping scenario.

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In the situation where you manage more than one shop, you will also have to associate each shop to one or more warehouses. This enables you to set from which warehouse the client orders for a given shop can be sent.


To add more stock to a product, use the "Add stock" action (up arrow) for said product or product combination. A new page opens, containing a form where the most important information is displayed in order to help you identify a product with certainty (reference, EAN13 and UPC code, and name). This information cannot be changed from this form, therefore it is grayed out.

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You must then set:


Each order has many available actions (in the "Actions" column of the order list). One of them enables you to edit the status: the "Change state" one. There are six possible default statuses, but you can add your own (see the "Configuration" section of this chapter).

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An order's status helps you understand your stock movements at a glance thanks to their color code. Here is the significance of the six default statuses:
