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Getting started with PrestaShop 1.4


PrestaShop can work with PHP 5.1 or later, but versions inferior to 5.2 have bugs that might prevent some functionalities to work as expected (such as invalid date timezonetime zone).
PrestaShop can also work with Microsoft's IIS Web server 6.0 or later, and nginx Nginx 1.0 or later.

More information is available for system administrators in the System Administrators Guide.


  • The web server should be up and running. You should be able to access it through your browser, by typing "" in the address bar. is the "localhost", meaning "your computer": it is a loopback address which directs the browser to any local server. In effect, and localhost are synonymous: you can use one or the other interchangeably.
  • The database server should be up and running. MySQL is where all your data is stored. The AMP package should provide you with a clear indicator whether MySQL is running or not.
  • The phpMyAdmin tool should be accessible. This is the web application that helps you handle data stored in MySQL. Its location depends on which AMP packaging you chose: it can be found at (XAMPP, WampServer, MAMP), (EasyPHP), or maybe at another location. Check your packages package's documentation – it might even provide a phpMyAdmin button of sort that would open the correct URL in your browser.

Once you have checked that the package is correctly installed and that all of its parts are running, you need to find the root folder. That's the local folder where you will place your files, and can be compared to the root folder of your online server, only its content is accessed with The actual local location of the folder depends greatly on the AMP package, and can be customized:

  • XAMPP: C:\xampp\htdocs
  • WampServer: C:\wamp\www
  • EasyPHP: C:\easyphp\www
  • MAMP: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/

Finally, you need to know the root user name and password for MySQL, in order to install PrestaShop. Most packages use the user name "root" with an empty password. Read your package's documentation.

With all that clear and done, you can follow up on the rest of this documentationGetting Started guide, keeping in mind that files are not to be uploaded via FTP to a server, but simply to be moved in the correct local folder.


You can download the latest version of PrestaShop 1.4 at This page presents you with an informal form, which helps the PrestaShop team better know its users. Whether you fill the form or not, click the "Download" button to display the download choices.

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Three choices are available all the archive for the previous versions of PrestaShop, for historical purpose.

Three sections are presented to you:

  • the The latest version of PrestaShop ( 1 as of this writing): a stable version, ready for all websites.
  • a stable version with a free trial for a PrestaShop partner tool (Store Manager).
  • (at the bottom of the page) the alpha version ( as of this writing): in heavy development, it is A link to the Github repository, where you can find the sources of PrestaShop, and participate to the development. The files on the repository are in heavy development, and are only available for testing purposes, NOT for production. Use at your own risk.
  • The list of previously released version: from PrestaShop 0.9.7 to the latest version of the 1.5 branch.

We strongly advise you to stay away from the alpha development Github version if you do not intend to cater for the teething problems inherent to early development versions!

Click on either of the stable versions' download buttons, and Go to the "Previously released version" section, click the "PrestaShop v1.4" row to open it, and click the "Download" button for the latest version.

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The browser will prompt you to download a file: save the archive on your computer (such as on the desktop). You should get a file named "" (or an equivalent, depending on the version numbers).


Basically, the needed parameters are:

  • a A hostname or an IP address: the location of your hosting space's FTP server.
  • a A username: your hosting account identifier, which is unique to you.
  • a A password: obligatory security measure.


  • Your host:
    • Some hosts may require you to place your files in a specific folder, such as /htdocs, /public_html, /web, /www, /, etc.
    • Other hosts' FTP server will simply log you directly into the proper upload space.
  • Your needs:
    • If you want your shop to be the main website for your domain name (i.e.,, upload PrestaShop at the root folder of the upload space (which may depend on the host).
    • If you want your shop to be in a sub-folder of your domain name (, you must first create said folder through FileZilla (right-click and choose "Create directory"), then upload PrestaShop in that folder.
    • If you want your shop to be in a sub-domain of your domain name (, you must first create said sub-domain. This depends on your host: you might be able to do it simply by adding a new folder with your FTP client, or you might have to create the sub-domain through your host's administration panel. Read you're hosts support documentation first. Once created, browse to the sub-domain's folder, and upload PrestaShop there.


This page is a quick intro into the installation process.

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  1. Select the language in which you wish the installer to be.
  2. Select whether you wish to install or update PrestaShop (if this is your first time, you can only install).
  3. Read the PrestaShop license (the Open Software License 3.0), and agree to it.


This page contains a form that enables you to tell PrestaShop where the database server is, and which database it should use, along with a few other details.

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Database configuration

Fill all the fields with the connection information provided by your web-host, along with the name of the database you chose/created for PrestaShop, then click the "Verify now!my database settings" button in order to check that everything is fine. If so, the installer will display the following message: "Database is connected".


Installation type

Two modes are available:

  • Simple Lite mode: a blank and empty PrestaShop will be installed. It will have no modules, no theme, and no demo products/categories: you will have to build it all yourself. This is great if you know what you are doing.
  • Full mode: PrestaShop will be installed with a theme, more than a hundred modules, and some demo products and categories. This is great for newcomers, as it helps you learn how to use PrestaShop... and can of course server as a good basis for your own store, after removing the demo products and categories! In effect, it is also highly recommended to install PrestaShop in full mode, as many of its features come from its numerous modules. Without them, PrestaShop is very bare bones.
E-mail delivery set-up

PrestaShop relies heavily on e-mail for notifications, both for the shop owner and its customers. This form enables you to test whether the current server configuration lets you send e-mail mails using PHP's mail() function. If this is not the case, then check the "Configure SMTP manually" box in order to configure your own mail server. Note that this is reserved to advanced users.

Click "Next", and the installer will start filling the database with tables and data. This might take a few minutes in the on slower serverservers.

Step 3: Shop configuration

This is where you can already start customizing your shop: give it a name and a logo, indicate its main activity, and indicate the personal information for the shop owner (which has legal binding in most countries)...

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Do not use a colon in your store's name, as it might prevent some features from working (for instance, e-mail sending might fail).

You can replace the colon with a dash if you need to have two sections in the title. For instance, use "MyStore – The best place for items to buy" instead of "MyStore: The best place for items to buy".

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Note that the logo will appear:

  • On all of your store's pages.
  • In your back-office.
  • In all of the e-mails sent to your customers.
  • In all of your contract contractual documents (bills, product return authorizations, etc.)

It is highly recommended to not keep the default PrestaShop logo, for obvious reasons.

You can also Using the "Catalog mode only" option, you can choose to use PrestaShop simply as catalog, which even if temporarily. This will disable all purchase and payment features, even if temporarily. This is useful when you are setting your shop up for first time, as it insures that no purchase can be made until you are ready to let people shop on your site. You can remove the catalog mode later, in the "Preferences" > "Products" sub-tab.

The page ends with a couple of the "Additional benefits" section, which are presents modules that are specially promoted in the installer. You can choose to install have them installed or not.

Click "Next": your shop is online!

Completing the installation

You are almost done!

As you can read about right on the final page of the installation process, there are a couple of last actions to perform before you can call it a success.

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An easy way to improve your installation's security is to delete or rename some key files and folders. This is done using your FTP client, directly on the server.


  • "admin" folder: you should give it a unique name, so that no attacker can access your admin files. For instance, "admin42", "secretFolder" or "xyz123" – anything unique.
    Write down the new name for your admin folder, as you will from now on access it directly.

Congratulations! Installation is now complete. You can now go to the administration login form by entering the new admin folder's name:

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Log in to the PrestaShop back-office and start filling out your products catalog and configuring the many settings to suit your tastes and needs.

Finally, in order to close all potential doors, use your FTP client to update the files and folders permissions to 664, or 666 if your host requires it. If it turns out low access rights prevent some modules to work, you should set permissions back to 755.


Regularly You should regularly back up your database, ideally on different computers, in case of problems related to hardware or security.


To install PrestaShop, PHP 5 must be activated. If you attempt to run PrestaShop using PHP 4, you will receive numerous errors, including this very common message:

Code Block

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STATIC, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in [php file] on line X.


Add this line to the "Specific configuration" text-field from the Tools > Generators sub-tab:

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AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

For URL re-writing, add these lines:

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Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /


Add this line to the "Specific configuration" text-field from the Tools > Generators sub-tab:

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php 1

Add this line to the "Specific configuration" text-field from the Tools > Generators sub-tab:

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SetEnv PHP_VER 5

To deactivate global registers:

Code Block



PrestaShop is very easy to uninstall:

  1. Delete the /prestaShop folder (or the name you gave it after the installation, if you renamed it) from the main directory of your Web server (generally /www).
  2. Delete your PrestaShop database, using phpMyAdmin.

You will lose all information related to your customers, orders, invoices, and products, settings, etc.