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  • Themes Preferences

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Themes Preferences

The "Themes" page enables you to efficiently manage your themes.

Themes list

The first section of the page gives you a complete list of the themes currently available on your installation of PrestaShop. Their 'edit' section lets you change their name and directory (if any another directory is available), as well as many other options:

The list's "Add new" button (and the page "Add new theme" button) gives you access to a form that helps you register a theme on your installation. This is very useful when you need to create a new theme.

Among the many Yes/No options in the "Add new theme" page, there are a few fields to which you should especially pay attention:

  • Name of the theme. Make sure the name is not already used by another theme (check on the Addons website).
  • Preview image for the theme. You should always add a preview image, as it is a clear reminder of what the theme looks like.
  • Directory. If you have not already created a theme folder, PrestaShop will create one for you.
  • Copy missing files from existing theme. This is the cleanest method to start a new theme from another theme's files. It is highly recommended, when you begin, to create a new theme from the default theme's files, as this makes sure you have all the needed files.

All the other options are indicators of how the theme is built, and can be changed at any time.

Importing and exporting a theme

Two buttons at the top of the screen enable you to import a theme and install it (and its attached modules), or to export a theme and its modules from your shop in order to share it with the world.

Importing a theme

This screen presents you with 3 methods to install a new theme: from your computer, from a public website, or from your own FTP server.

Whatever the method, the process remains the same: indicate the location of the theme's Zip archive, then click "Save".


Import from your computer. Use the file explorer to find the archive.
Import from the web. Indicate the direct public URL to the archive.
Import from FTP. Using your FTP client, upload the archive in the following folder: /modules/themeinstallator/import/ .

A quick summary is displayed in the page that follows.

Click "Save" to validate your choice. The theme is now installed, and PrestaShop asks you if you wish to install modules that were imported along with the theme, what you would rather do with the current modules configuration, and how you would like the images configuration to be taken into account.

Click "Save" one last time. A final confirmation page presents you with all the changes applied to your PrestaShop install. Click "Finish" to end the process.

Exporting a theme

This section is only available when there is at least one theme installed on your PrestaShop site. It gives you a method to export your module in a correct format.

Exporting a theme is very useful when you want either to back the theme up for safety, and create an archive of the theme for a friend or in order to make it available on the Addons marketplace ( Not only does it generate a complete Zip archive of your theme, but it also adds many information in an XML files, which is very useful both when uploading to Addons, and when important to another PrestaShop site.

Select a theme and click on "Export". A configuration form appears where you can set the exported themes parameters: author name, modules to export along, theme name, version compatibility, etc.

Once all the parameters are correctly set, click on "Save". You will quickly get a file to download from your browser. Save it on your hard-drive, then give the save file a proper name. From there on, you can easily share this theme, and if it is your own creation, you can start selling it on PrestaShop's Addons website at

Select theme for shop <name>

This is where you can change the theme for the current shop. The interface presents you with a list of thumbnails of the currently available themes on your PrestaShop installation, and it is up to you to choose the one theme you want to use for your shop.


In multistore mode, you cannot apply a theme to all your stores or a group of stores; you must select a single store in the multistore menu, then pick a theme.


This section helps you to quickly customize the current theme: header logo, mail logo, invoice logo, favicon, store icon and even the navigation pipe can be easily modified from there.

The "Enable the mobile theme" makes it possible for you to use the default mobile theme. With this theme, any PrestaShop merchant can have his or her shop be accessible to mobile devices: from the home page to the payment process, along with product pages and conversion funnel. You can choose the option you like best: mobile, touchpad, or both.


The mobile theme only works for PrestaShop's default theme, since it is included in its folder: /themes/default/mobile. Therefore, it will not work if you use another theme which does not have its own mobile theme.

Nonetheless, you can easily use the default mobile theme with any other theme, at least temporarily: simply copy the mobile theme's folder from the default theme's folder to the new theme's folder, and you should be good to go. For instance, if your new theme's folder is /themes/magnolia, copy /themes/default/mobile folder to the new themes's folder.
This is particularly useful if the theme the new theme does not feature a responsive design: this way, your shop can still look good on mobile devices – albeit with the default look.

Finally, the "Mail color" option enables you to choose the color in which your e-mail will be highlighted.


In multistore mode, you can apply these changes to all your stores or a group of stores at one time, using the multistore menu.

Live from PrestaShop Addons!

This presents you with 12 of the latest themes from PrestaShop's Addons marketplace. You can click on each image to reach the theme's individual Addons page and get a better view of it, and possibly buy it.