Un referente es un sitio web que le trae al menos un visitante. Este sitio web cuenta con un enlace a su tienda, y por lo tanto le ayuda a tener mayor audiencia , lo que conlleva genealmente y a realizar más un mayor número de ventas.
Some referrers are more important to you than others: you might have partners that have links to your shop on their own website, and both you and your partners would certainly want to know how many visitors those links brought you. You could even pay your partners to display a link to your shop, depending on how much you value your traffic.
This, in effect, is called affiliation, and the "Referrers" page helps you build a complete affiliate program, to which even your partner can connect to see the number of visits and sales their links have generated. Registered affiliates generate traffic to your shop, you want to reward them for those visitors, and the affiliate program is how both of you can access the figures the reward is based on.